Monday, July 30, 2012

First Day of Ministry

A great first day today - and the day ended with one of the most fun nights I have ever had with a missions team... for the record, Jay and Hershey were guilty (and no - we were not playing a game).  Parents, ask your students about this when they get home.  This team is really bonding!   Here is today's update from Katherine Harvey.


Hey all - it’s Katherine!
Today was our first day of ministry, and one I will remember always.   Starting off the day, we ventured to the Campus Crusade office for devotions.  The team was greeted by a room filled with Zambian staff worshipping Jesus making 15 people sound like 100.  Joining in with them, sharing their passion for Jesus in both American and Zambezi worship was both awesome and humbling.  God is the God of all creation!
On the way to the school, Kelsey, Clare and I grew anxious and immediately stated lifting our anxiety to the Lord.  He completely dissolved all fear as we pulled in to our first school.
Kids were running to greet us - smiling and waving.  Their joy was exactly what we needed.   Getting off the bus, the kids aged 3 - 16 greeted us with high fives, hand shakes, and fist pounds.  After visiting with the kids for a bit, we were led to and open area where we were all treated to a choir of kids performing.   I will never tire listening to their joyful worship.   After Tim led the US team in worship from up front - the children responded enthusiastically.   We had a skit we performed, and the kids cheered the loudest at two different points - once when Colin cut in and danced with Sarah, and once when Jesus (Ben) prevailed.  
Right after the skit, Trevor shared his testimony with the entire school which was powerful and extremely well done.  While Trevor was speaking, I was relieved that I would not be the one sharing.  God immediately heard my heart and Jack said to me “Harvs, your next!”   Busted!  Standing in front of 232 kids with a translator by my side (to help translate for the younger kids) made me extremely nervous.  However, God calmed me down and gave me the peace I needed to share my faith.  Thank you Lord!  (Editors note - Katherine ROCKED it!!!)
After this, we divided into groups to talk to the kids and play games.  A group of girls quickly approached me, and we went off and I was able to tell them more about my faith, the person of Jesus Christ, and how to have eternal life.  They all expressed their belief in God and telling them about Jesus was amazing.  I shared with them the bridge analogy asking if they could jump to America and comparing that to being separated from God and needing Jesus to be the bridge.   
After this we played games together.  I loved how much they just wanted to be hugged and to have someone pay attention to them.  One girl I especially connected with was Natasha.   Her sweet smile and questions about Jesus are something I will never forget.  
Saying goodbye was a challenge, but watching what God did throughout the day made it beyond worth it.   Watching my team glorifying God along with the beautiful blue sky made this day unforgettable.  The anxiety is gone, and God has completely filled me up - I am so excited to see what tomorrow will hold!
A special hello to Mom, Dad, and Grandma!  My luggage is all here and Zambia is even better than we prayed - rest easy, I miss you guys and LOVE YOU SO MUCH.   Lauren asks me to pass on that she is alive to her family - wahoo!
Thank you all for your prayers and support for your team, we are excited to see how God uses this trip for His glory!!
Much Love, 
Katherine Harvey

Sunday, July 29, 2012

We have arrived!

We have made it here to Zambia!  We arrived in Lusaka at 11:30 last night... and we are doing great.  Between our carry on luggage and checked bags, we have traveled here with over 100 pieces of luggage - and EVERY SINGLE PIECE made it - so thanks for your prayers!

This morning we went to a new church in Lusaka - the building seats 11,000 people!  Tomorrow starts our ministry as we head to Messiah Ministries to spend the day working with students.  

Our plan is to have students update the blog each day - but part of that will depend on our internet access.  Currently our access is limited, we are hoping that changes by tomorrow.  I know there are parents anxiously waiting to hear that we made it, so Jay and I traveled down the road to a small "internet cafe" to upload this update.  

Please continue to pray for us - we cannot wait to share with you all how God works through your prayers.

- Jack

Friday, July 27, 2012

We Leave Today!

Welcome to the 707 in Zambia blog!  We will use this as often as we are able to update you on what is happening on the trip!  Our flight leaves late tonight - so before you go to bed, and when you wake up in the morning, say a prayer for us as we will be traveling for about 22 hours!  Specific requests would be that there are no issues with passports, visas, or ticketing, and that all of our luggage would make it there.  We look forward to sharing this journey with you over the next 17 days.